माझी बिलाची तक्रार तसेच बिलावरील पत्त्याच्या दुरुस्तीबाबत आपण आणि आपल्या सहकाऱ्यांनी दाखवलेली तत्परता अतिशय कौतुकास्पद म्हणावी लागेल, तसेच ती महावितरण सारख्या देशातल्या सर्वात मोठ्ठया विजवितरण सेवेपैकी एक असलेल्या उपक्रमासाठी खरंच अभिमानास्पद बाब आहे.
मी पत्र पाठवल्याच्या अवघ्या काही तासांमध्येच आपण, श्री जगदीश आणि सहकारी जयश्री जी यांनी फोन करून काही क्षणातच माझ्या तक्रारी online दुरुस्त केल्यासुद्धा, तेही विजेच्या जलदगतीने!!!
माझ्यासारख्या सामान्य व्यक्तीलाही ते आश्चर्यकाराकच होते. आज मला आजच्याच तारखेचे पत्र आणि सुधारित बिलही मिळाले.
मनापासून आपले तसेच महावितरणच्या सर्वोच्च पदावर असलेल्या Chairman आणि MD साहेबांचेही मनःपूर्वक आभार!!!!!
Myself Mahesh Namdeo Pakhare, consumer no – 170003052829, complaint no – 5417038. MD complaint given on 3rd Feb 2017.
I hereby confirm that the Hadpsar Div Office has attended the complaint & had given me legal & safe connection as per my satisfaction. I specially thank Shri Dandage sir (Additional executive – 7875767145) of hadpsar div, who attended this complaint on war level & resolved my problem within 2 days with continuous followup with me regarding the work.
We as a consumer will always appreciate & respect the honest, loyal & hard work officers of MAHADISCOM.
I request you to kindly close all my complaints given against consumer no – 170003052829.
Thank you to all your team
MD Mahadiscom
Myself Smita Manojkumar Mrudange, Consumer no – 170003304909.
This is regarding the complaint given on 6th feb 2017. The hadpsar div had taken action and we got connection as it was earlier.
I am satisfied with the work. Kindly close my complaint given to you on 6th Feb 2017 .
To understand meter problem, I received call from MAHADISCOM on same day ie 22 Dec. and today MAHADISCOM wiremen came and removed meter for necessary procedure Thanks for prompt action on my request.
Thanks and Regards,
Your customer
I, Chirag Y Mehta, would like to appreciate and compliment the below mentioned valuable employees of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd, for the excellent and prompt cervices that they have provided me last week for new connection at Nashik.
- Mr.Sunil Pawade.
- Mr.Anil Zatkare.
- Mr.Sujit Vijay Nasikkar.
I am very much pleased by the services that I had received from your office during my visit on 21st December, 2017. However, I would like to make a note that, the professionalism and the ability showed by the above mentioned employees to get to the bottom of the situation quickly exceeded my expectations. Such commitment to great customer service has surely added goodwill to the company’s balance sheet.
We look forward for the same customer services in the future.
With best regards.
Consumer Number : 049013968135
Consumer Name : Meena Y Mehta,